Trees, with thick, pithy branches, robust in all parts. Leaves simple, in whorls of 3-4, ± tufted to end of branches, entire, at base above with a few large crateriform or saucer-shaped glands, underneath often fine-punctiform dotted and sometimes with scattered larger crateriform glands; glabrous or with a yellow indument of simple hairs. Thyrses terminal, erect, a thick short rachis with crowded, horizontal, long-stalked triads or twice-forked triads. Flowers erect, showy, yellow, stalked. Calyx on a 2-3 mm high, obconical, solid hypanthium, articulate with the pedicel, closed in bud, with short lobes hairy at tip, in anthesis with 5 rather regular, acute lobes or tearing into 2-5 unequal, irregular lobes, inside fine-glandular, outside not rarely with few large crateriform glands, tip penicellate. Corolla imbricate in j bud, lobes ciliate, zygomorphous to degree, hardly with a distinct basal tube, tube 1 just or far exceeding the calyx. Stamens 4, didynamous, exserted, rarely a 5th 3 rudiment, ± erect or recurved to one side, together with a style inserted shortly above the base of tube, base capitate-glandular hairy; filaments ribbon-shaped; anther-cells free, wide-divergent. Disk annular, crenate. Ovary subsessile, glabrous, 2-celled, each cell with 2 closely placed placentas; style very long; stigma with 2 narrow lobes. Ovules, in many rows. Capsule short-stalked, ellipsoid, with hard, boat-shaped valves, erect; septum flattened, lens-shaped, thick. Seeds very many, roundish, very thin hyaline-winged all around, punctate-inserted.