Lianas. Branches slender, yellowish pubescent when young, glabrescent, dark brown when dried. Leaves 5-foliolate; rachis 9-12 cm, including petiole 5-7 cm; leaflet blades ovate-oblong, 5-10 × 2-4 cm, leathery, abaxially densely appressed yellowish brown pubescent, adaxially sparsely pubescent or glabrous and not shiny, secondary veins 7-10 on each side of midvein, base rounded to broadly cuneate, apex obtusely acuminate. Pseudopanicles terminal or lateral, 7-10 cm, compact, with few branches; rachis nodes with 2-5 fascicled flowers. Pedicel ca. 6 mm. Flowers ca. 1.3 cm. Calyx campanulate, ca. 3 mm, hispidulous. Corolla whitish, 8-10 mm; standard elliptic. Ovary pubescent. Legume broadly ellipsoid, 6-13 × 3-4.5 cm, compressed, densely rust-colored pubescent, both ends subtruncate; abaxial suture with a 3-6 mm wide wing, adaxial suture with a 0.7-1.3 cm wide wing. Seeds 1 or 2 per legume. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Oct-Dec.