Lianas, rarely erect shrubs or trees. Stipules small. Leaves imparipinnate; stipels absent; leaflets opposite, margins entire. Inflorescences axillary pseudoracemes, these often combined with terminal or axillary pseudopanicles; rachis nodes with 1 to many flowers, fascicled or on a short spur or branchlet; bracts and bracteoles small, deciduous. Calyx campanulate or cup-shaped, apex subtruncate or with 4 or 5 short and broad teeth. Corolla white, purplish red, or pink, longer than calyx; standard broad, usually glabrous but outside sometimes subglabrous or pubescent, without basal calluses; wings long clawed, often auriculate, adhering to keel; keels incurved, base often auriculate, apex blunt. Stamens monadelphous. Ovary sessile or with a short stipe, with 1-11 ovules; style incurved; stigma capitate. Legume globose, oblong, or ligulate-oblong, indehiscent; adaxial suture or both adaxial and abaxial sutures with a narrow wing. Seeds 1 to several per legume, reniform, compressed.
Mostly lianes and scandent shrubs. Leaves pinnate or trifoliolate, imparipinnate; leaflets opposite; stipules small, caducous. Flowers in few-flowered clusters, combined into axillary or terminal pseudoracemes or pseudopanicles. Calyx cup-shaped, truncate or weakly toothed, subtended by 2 bracteoles. Petals purple, pink or white; standard obovate or circular; keel petals cohering apically. Stamens all connate into a tube with holes either side of the upper stamen at base. Ovary densely hairy; ovules 2 or few. Fruit elliptic to linear-oblong, flat, membranous to thinly coriaceous, indehiscent, winged along one or both edges. Seeds 1–6.
Inflorescence usually a contracted racemose panicle with clusters of flowers on short lateral spurs (pseudoracemes), rarely of single axillary flowers.
Stamen-filaments connate into an almost closed tube, the upper filament often free at the base; anthers versatile.
Standard suborbicular; wings oblong; keel petals slightly connate on the upper margins.
Pod indehiscent, broad, flattened, winged on dorsal suture.
Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets opposite, exstipellate.
Ovary few-ovulate; style filiform, stigma terminal.
Seed subreniform, radicle inflexed.
Calyx campanulate, teeth obsolete.
Lianes or (not in Africa) trees.
Flowers pinkish.