Lip entire or obscurely lobed, spurred, usually with a tooth-like callus in the mouth of the spur; pollinia 2; stipites 2; viscidia 1 or 2.Rostellum varied.
Leaves distichous, unequally 2-lobed at the apex, articulated to a sheathing base, often twisted to lie in one plane.
Flowers translucent, usually smallish, white, greenish, pale yellow, straw-orange or, rarely, pinkish and purplish.
Roots long, usually numerous, arising along the stem, often with prominent white streaks.
Inflorescences 1–many, usually several-to many-flowered.
Ephiphytic, rarely lithophytic, monopodial herbs.
Stem long or short, covered with old leaf bases.
Sepals and petals free.