Herb or undershrub, often rooting along the stems. Inflorescence a small terminal pyramidal panicle of cymes. Flowers (4–)5–merous. Calyx-tube campanulate-turbinate, sometimes slightly angular; lobes broadly triangular or rounded, short, with a slight to marked median crest. Petals lanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate. Stamens (8–)10, unequal or less often subequal; anthers linear-subulate, the larger ones sometimes curved and attenuate at the base; connective-appendages produced from the base of the anthers into 2 anterior tubercles or (on long stamens) upcurved spurs and 1 pendent posterior spur. Ovary partly adnate to the calyx, in the upper part or for the most part only by (8–)10 septa, the apex truncate with a membranous or little thickened crown, (4–)5-locular. Fruit a capsule within the accrescent calyx, the crown persisting or disappearing, but not accrescent. Seeds semi-elliptic or obovoid, attenuate at the base, and with the raphe produced into a lateral spur near the apex.