Leaf-lamina 5–10 x 2·7–7 cm., ovate, acute at the apex, contracted at the base, entire, coriaceous, light green and setose above (bristles white or pale yellow), paler and setose mainly on the nerves beneath, longitudinally 5-nerved, the longitudinal nerves impressed above, raised beneath, the very numerous transverse ones prominent on the under face, inconspicuous on the upper one; petiole setose.
A much-branched deciduous tree up to 7·5 m. tall; trunk stout with rough yellowish longitudinally fissured bark; crown rounded; branchlets very short, densely leafy, appressed-or subpatently-setose; old branches subterete, striate or rugose, pale to dark grey, glabrescent; nodes rather thickened, covered with long stiff brownish or yellowish bristles.
Panicles 7–13 x 9–13 cm., many-flowered, with the axis, the divaricate branches and the 3–5 mm. long pedicels purple, densely fulvous-setose; bracts 4–5 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, shortly setose on the back, early caducous.
Fructiferous receptacle 8–9 x 7–8 mm., campanulate, with a sinuous ridge all around at 1/2–2/3 from the base. Capsule c. 12 mm. high, longer than the receptacle, ellipsoid, acute, appressed-setose on the upper half.
Sepals 4–6 x 4–5 mm., triangular-ovate or oblong-semicircular, roundish at the top, bright purple, shortly setose on the back, ciliate at margin.
Receptacle 7–8 x 5–6 mm., cylindric-campanulate, densely setose, the bristles short, subulate, arched-ascending.
Long stamens: anthers 11–12 mm. long; pedoconnective 12–17 mm. long with the basal appendages 4–5 mm. long.
Short stamens: anthers 8–9 mm. long; pedoconnective 3–4 mm. long with appendages c. 3 mm. long.
Petals 1·7–2·2 x 1·2–1·9 cm., obovate, deep pink.