Stamens 8, unequal; filaments filiform; anthers linear-subulate, sigmoid, 1-porose, with undulate thecae; pedoconnective rather long with two linear anterior appendages at the base.
Flowers 4-merous, pedicellate, 2-bracteate, arranged in terminal panicles, produced before the leaves; bracts caducous.
Ovary 4-locular, adnate to the receptacle by 8 septa; style filiform, somewhat thickened distally; stigma punctiform.
Seeds very numerous, obovoid or subpyramidal with hyaline papillae on the back; hilum basal.
Small trees or shrubs, strigillose with rigid bristles.
Sepals short, persistent; intersepalar segments absent.
Branches ± distinctly 4-gonous.
Leaves opposite, subentire.
Petals obovate or oblong.
Capsule 4-valved.