Young branches 4-gonous, densely setose (bristles up to 3·5 mm. long, yellow-rusty, spinulose, dilated at base), the oldest indistinctly 4-gonous, glabrescent, with the bark thick, pale grey, longitudinally fissured and transversely cracked; nodes much thickened on the old branches.
Fructiferous receptacle 7–10 x 7–9 mm., campanulate, with the persistent sepals neither much thickened nor accrescent. Capsule exserted, setose on the upper half.
Panicles up to 14 x 13 cm., ± dense, with the axis, branches and pedicels densely appressed-setose; bracts lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, setose outside.
Receptacle ± 7x 6 mm., cylindric-campanulate, densely setose, the bristles up to 2 mm. long, subulate, dilated at the base, spinulose, arched-ascending.
Long stamens: anthers c. 11 mm. long; pedoconnective c. 9 mm. long with the two basal appendages c. 4 mm. long.
Short stamens: anthers c. 10 mm. long; pedoconnective c. 3 mm. long with a c. 3·5 mm. long appendage.
A small much-branched tree up to 3 m. tall, with stout trunk and rounded crown.
Sepals ± 5 x 5 mm., roundish, dorsally setose, marginally ciliate.
Petals c. 16 x 13 mm., bright pink or mauve, marginally ciliate.