Shrubs or small trees, the pubescence of simple and stellate hairs, often also with gland-tipped hairs. Leaves alternate, petiolate, 2'-stipulate, the stipules intra-axillary, persistent, unequal, one filiform, the other large, peltate and foliaceous, the blade dentate, palminerved. Flowers supra-axillary, solitary, large, her-maphrodite, actinomorphous, long-pedicellate, 5-merous; calyx subepiginous, val-vate, the sepals provided along the margins and at the apex with long filiform appendages, persistent; corolla subepiginous, the petals free, longer than the calyx, glandless; stamens numerous, all fertile, subepiginous, free, the filaments short and filiform, the anthers 2-thecate, basifixus, versatile, longitudinally dehiscent from the apex to the base; ovary subinferior to inferior, 10-to 12-celled (probably initially 5-celled, but irregularly divided by false partitions), the cells many-ovulate; style simple, thick and short; stigma 5-dentate. Fruit baccate, surmounted by the persistent sepals, indehiscent, the epicarp thin; seeds, numerous, small.