Climbing shrub. Branchlets robust or more slender, obtusangular at the tips, quite glabrous. Leaves lax, lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, apex shortly subacutely acuminate, base broadly cuneate (very base subtruncate, glands ± obscure), coriaceous or subcoriaceous, glabrous, laxly glandular-muriculate or-punctate beneath, sub-entire, i.e. edge with ± regular, very short, caducous, setular glands, 5-12.5 by 2-3.5 cm, sometimes even smaller, 5-7-plinerved from and a little from above the base, midrib and nerves slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, veins ± transverse, forming a lax network with the veinlets, faintly raised beneath or rather obscure; petiole 8-13 by 1.5-2 mm, as the base of the midrib blackish when dry. Fascicles axillary, 10-15-flowered, sometimes few-1-flowered, glabrous, initially enclosed by chartaceous, ovate-to subspathulate-oblong perulae (1-1.5 by 0.5-1 cm). Pedicels ± robust, c. 1 cm. Bracteoles basal. Calyx tube cylindric, c. 2.5 mm, base truncate, limb erecto-patent, 2 mm, shortly 5-dented or-apiculate. Corolla subcylindric, ± dilated distally, rather fleshy, white or green, 1-1.3(-1.8) cm by 4-5 mm ø at base, 6-7 mm across the mouth, glabrous, lobes 2.5 mm. Stamens 9 and 7.5 mm; major stamens: filaments laxly long-ciliate distally, c. 3 mm; cells narrow-oblong, base shortly acute, 7-7.5 mm long including the much divergent c. 3 mm long tubules; connective glabrous below, processes divergent, fixed on the back of the tubules, glabrous or papillose-muriculate, free in their upper part only and ± as long. Disk glabrous. Style slender, glabrous, hardly exserted. Immature fruit subglobose, truncate at the apex, c. 8 mm ø.