Shrub, c. 2 m. Branchlets obtusangular, tips minutely patent-puberulous. Leaves dense, oblong to lanceolate-elliptic, apex gradually acuminate, obtuse, base broadly cuneate, bluntish, basal glands ± inconspicuous, coriaceous, rigid, glabrous, margin markedly subserrate-crenulate, thickened, 1.5-2.5 by 0.4-0.9(-1) cm, midrib impressed above, obtusely prominent beneath, nerves 1-2 pairs ascending from the base, faintly raised beneath or obscure, reticulation 0; petiole rather robust, 2-4 mm. Flowers 1-2 in upper axils, nodding, glabrous. Pedicel robust, c. 10 mm. Bracteoles basal. Calyx cup-shaped, tube subcylindric, base +-rounded, 3 mm, limb 2 mm, subacutely 5-lobed almost to the base. Corolla subtubular, ± dilated towards the mouth, rather fleshy, dark red, 1.8-2 cm by 3-4 mm ø at base, c. 6(-8) mm across the limb, lobes c. 2 mm. Stamens 7.5 and 6 mm; major stamens', filaments c. 3 mm, glabrous or laxly ciliate in the upper part and at the connective; cells narrow, base acute and echinulate, 5.5 mm including the much divergent, 2 mm long tubules. Disk glabrous. Style rather slender, +-as long as the corolla or but shortly exserted.