Epiphytic shrub. Branchlets angular, older parts decorticating in thin longish flakes, very young ones red-brown, glabrous, Leaves elliptic to obovate-elliptic, apex very broadly attenuate to nearly rounded, the terminal gland thick and prominent, base cuneate into the petiole, rigidly chartaceous to coriaceous, glabrous and somewhat shining above, rather dull and minutely laxly punctulate beneath, entire, 4-5.5 by (2-)2.2-3 cm, 5-plinerved, midrib impressed above, a little raised beneath, nerves mostly somewhat sunken above, not or only very slightly raised beneath; petiole thick, 3-4 mm. Flowers mostly solitary, rarely in twos. Pedicels only seen after anthesis, very shortly and laxly subglandular-hairy, glabrescent, 2-3(-4) mm. Bracteoles broad-ovate, glabrous, glandular-ciliate, 1 mm. Calyx glabrous, deeply 5-lobed, lobes deltoid, ciliate. Ovary glabrous. Fruit finally purplish blackish.