Plants pubescent, (45-) 90-140 mm; leaves 2, cauline, alternate, ovate to broadly ovate, sheath, margins and veins beneath pubescent, purple below, mostly 19-30 x 9-25 mm. Inflorescences 1-flowered; bracts ovate, acute, 10-12 x 4-6 mm. Flowers magenta or pure white, petals with green spots; ovary purple, ovoid, (5-) 10-12 mm long. Median sepal broadly ovate, acute, sac-like, 6-10 x 5-8 mm, (6-) 7-8 mm deep; lateral sepals obovate, acute, (8-) 10-15 x 3-5 mm, spurs saccate, 2-3 mm deep. Petals adnate to the median sepal, curved, falcate, clawed, oblong, acute, 4-8 x 4-5 mm. Lip free from the gynostemium; claw linear, c. 5 mm long; blade deeply cup-shaped, apex acute, 2.5 mm long; appendage triangular, apex pubescent, 2.5 mm long. Anther reflexed; stigma frontal, bifid; rostellum arms projecting, with the tips deflexed, c. 2.5 mm long.