Herb up to 50 cm. tall, rhizomatous; stems creeping, branched, 0.5–2 mm. thick, ± densely hirtellous.. Leaves in spirals; lamina chartaceous when dry, elliptic to obovate, (1.5–)3–12 × (0.8–)2–5 cm., apex acute to faintly acuminate to subobtuse, base obtuse to subcordate, margin sinuate or towards the apex irregularly dentate; upper and lower surface hirtellous; lateral veins 4–7(–8) pairs; petiole 0.9–4 cm. long, ± 1 mm. thick; stipules subulate, 2–8 mm. long, persistent.. Inflorescences 1–3-together; peduncle 0.7–2 cm. long, ± 0.5 mm. thick.. Receptacle funnel-shaped; flowering face circular, 1–7 mm. in diameter, margin 0.1–0.5 mm. wide; appendages in 1 row, 12–18, triangular, 1–2.5 mm. long.. Staminate flowers spaced; perianth-lobes (2–)3; stamens (2–)3.. Pistillate flowers ± 8; perianth broadly conical; stigmas 2.. Endocarp-body tetrahedral, 1–2 mm. in diameter, tuberculate.