Leaves spirally arranged; lamina oblong to elliptic, lanceolate, oblanceolate or linear, (0.5)1–12(20) x (0.3)1–16 cm., chartaceous to papyraceous when dry, apex obtuse to acute, base cuneate to attenuate to subobtuse; margin irregularly coarsely crenate to dentate, sometimes subentire, ± revolute when dry; superior surface glabrous and smooth, scabridulous or sparsely puberulous on the midrib, the inferior surface puberulous to glabrous; lateral veins 2–10(12) pairs; petiole (0.1)0.2–2(3) cm. long, 0.5–1 mm. thick, puberulous, mainly adaxially; stipules subulate to ovate, up to 1.5(2) mm. long, persistent.
Stems ascending to erect, branched (the branches often arrested, with minute leaves) or unbranched, fleshy to sometimes thickly succulent, the basal pan often swollen, sometimes becoming globose to pear-shaped, up to 4 cm. across, the leafy part 1–5(7) mm. in diam., glabrous to sparsely puberulous; scars of leaves, stipules and inflorescences often conspicuous and prominent.
Inflorescences solitary (or in pairs); peduncle 2–12(25) mm. long, c. 0.5 mm. thick, sometimes recurved; receptacle discoid to broadly turbinate or funnel-shaped, sometimes subnaviculate, 0.4–1.2 cm. in diam. (or wide); flowering face subcircular to substellate or narrowly elliptic to 3–6-angular in outline; margin very narrow or lacking.
Receptacle appendages in 2 rows, those of the inner (marginal) row numerous, semicircular to triangular, up to 2 mm. long, forming a crenate to dentate rim; appendages of the outer (submarginal) row 2–12, narrowly triangular to band-shaped or filiform, (2)5–22(25) mm. long.
Staminate flowers ± crowded; perianth lobes (2)3(4); stamens (2)3(4).
Pistillate flowers numerous, scattered; perianth tubular; stigmas 2.
Endocarp body tetrahedral, 1–1.5 mm. in diam., slightly tuberculate.
Herb up to c. 70 cm. tall, rhizomatous or tuberous.