Leaves spirally arranged, lamina elliptic to obovate, (2)5–19 x (1 )2–8 cm., papyraceous when dry, apex acute to acuminate, base cuneate, margin denticulate to coarsely dentate or sometimes repand; both surfaces puberulous; lateral veins 5–8(10) pairs; petiole 5–35 mm. long, 1–2 mm. thick; stipules narrowly triangular, 0.5–2(4) mm. long, subpersistent.
Inflorescences solitary or in pairs; peduncle 0.6–5 cm. long, c. 0.5 mm. thick; receptacle naviculate, borne vertically; flowering face narrowly ovate to linear, 1.2–5.5 x 0.15–0.5 cm.; margin almost lacking, sometimes up to 1.5 mm. wide; appendages 2, terminal, filiform, the upper one (20)30–70(100) mm. long, the lower one (1.2)3–10(30) mm. long.
A slightly woody herb. It grows from a woody rhizome. The leaves are alternate and 7-18 cm long by 3-7 cm wide. The leaf stalks are 2-5 cm long. The flowers are in the axils of the leaves.
Herb up to 60 cm. tall, rhizomatous, the rhizomes often tuberous; stems erect or ascending, often branched, leafy in the upper pan, c. 3(5) mm. thick, puberulous.
Endocarp body subglobose to tetrahedral, c. 3 mm. in diam., at least slightly tuberculate.
Pistillate flowers 5–10(22), most of them in a median row; perianth tubular; stigmas 2.
Staminate flowers ± spaced; perianth lobes 1–2(3); stamens 1–2(3).