Fls 5-merous in panicles, racemes or spikes, or solitary. Sepals persistent, us. quite free; corolla-lobes imbricate, apex ± incurved; anthers us. included, dorsifixed. Hypog. scales free, ± oblong; stigmas minutely to distinctly 5-lobed. Ovules ∞, placentae decurved. Capsule loculicidally dehiscent. Shrubs or small trees of diverse habit; lvs simple, of linear order, us. minutely serrulate-crenulate on margins; base prolonged into an appressed sheath leaving a linear scar at If-fall. Some 28 spp. in subgenus Oreothamnus, all endemic to N.Z. except D. minimum (confined to Tasmania). Some 20 spp, in subgenus Dracophyllum, 8 endemic to N.Z., 9 to New Caledonia, 1 in Australia, 1 in Tasmania, 1 in Lord Howe Id.