Lianas to 8 m, mostly densely tomentose. Stems lenticellate. Petiole 1.5-5 cm; leaf blade ovate-cordate to suborbicular, 2-13 × 2-9 cm, papery, adaxially pubescent to glabrous, base auriculate with sinus 1-1.5 cm deep, apex acute; lateral veins ca. 5 pairs. Inflorescences umbel-like, to 20-flowered; peduncle 3-6 cm. Pedicel slender, ca. 2.5 cm. Sepals ovate-oblong, pubescent. Corolla white outside, purple inside, ca. 1.6 cm in diam.; lobes ovate-oblong, 6-7 × 4-6 mm, ciliate. Corona lobes ovoid, thick, turgid, apex acute. Pollinia elongated, narrowed at base, sometimes introrsely falcate. Ovaries glabrous or pubescent. Stigma head conical, enclosed by anther appendages. Follicles lanceolate in outline, 5-6 × 1-2 cm, obscurely and longitudinally sinuate-striate or transversely plicate-corrugate, apex curved, almost hooklike. Seeds ovate-oblong, 0.9-1.2 cm × 4-6 mm, flattened, marginate; coma 2.5-4.5 cm.