Climbing herbs. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules and stipels present. Inflorescences axillary, racemose, several-many-flowered. Calyx-tube cylindrical, basally somewhat swollen at the back, the mouth obliquely truncate; lobes almost obsolete. Corolla small; standard elliptic-oblong, auriculate, glabrous; all petals with long claws. Vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary slightly stalked, 4-many-ovuled; style filiform, hairy below, dilated and hollow near the middle, apical part cylindrical, somewhat stiffened, not bearded; stigma terminal. Pods linear, compressed, constricted between the seeds but not septate. Seeds blue or black, sub-globose; hilum short, central; aril not developed.
Ovary shortly stipitate, 4–many-ovuled; styles bearded at the base, geniculate, widening slightly towards the bend with a terminal stigma.
Corolla yellow, small; standard elliptic-oblong, clawed, glabrous; wings and keel with claws longer than the blade.
Pod linear, compressed, dehiscent, appearing septate due to constrictions of the pod.
Seeds blue or black, smooth, subglobose to ovoid, with a short central hilum.
Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules and stipels present.
Calyx truncate, the individual lobes scarcely evident.
Flowers several–many in axillary racemes.
Trailing or climbing herbs.
Vexillary filament free.