Trees, to 50 m high, to 1 m in diameter, the trunk straight, high crowned, the bases buttressed, the bark smooth, gray, sap blood red; stems terete, striate or slightly angular, puberulent to tomentose, glabrate. Leaves imparipinnate, 5-25-foliolate, the leaflets alternate to subopposite, exstipellate; stipules minute, ca-ducous. Inflorescence axillary, racemose or racemose paniculate. Flowers rarely andromonoecious, pink to purple, 15-25 mm long; calyx campanulate, somewhat oblique, the 5 lobes subequal; standard orbicular reniform, persistent; wing straight, the keel petals similar to wings, dorsally tomentose; stamens 10, sub-equal, the filaments connate at the base, 1 subfree, the anthers dorsifixed, ver-satile, ovate; ovary 1-5-ovulate, pubescent, brevistipitate or subsessile, the style pubescent, incurved, the stigma apical, minute. Fruit narrowly ovoid ellipsoid to obovoid, compressed laterally, 2-valved, dehiscent, orange velutinous, commonly 1-2-seeded; seeds red, ellipsoid or cylindrical, the hilum small, linear, lateral; cotyledons thick and fleshy, radicle short, inflexed.