Trees or shrubs. Leaves coriaceous, petiolate; stipules free or connate. Info-rescences large, terminal, paniculate or rarely racemose. Flowers small, the ca-lycine cup 5-lobed, inflated, persistent; corolla reduced, infundibuliform, cylin-drical or somewhat bell shaped, the throat villous, the lobes 5, recurved, contorted in bud; stamens 5, the anthers oblong, dorsifixed, the filaments exsert-ed, geniculate at the base; ovarian disc orbicular, the style short, the stigmas 2, obtuse, the ovules numerous, the placentas peltately affixed to the septum. Fruits capsular, small, loculicidally dehiscent into 2 valves, these split apically; seeds minute, the testa membranous.