Epiphytic or terrestrial, reed-like herbs up to about 12 ddm. tall. Stems slender, erect, covered with leaf-sheaths or naked below. Leaves 5-25 cm. long (mostly 15-20 cm.) and 1-5.5 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, plicate, reduced upward and becoming bract-like. Inflorescence a dense, many--flowered, capitate or subcapitate raceme; outer bracts sterile, triangular-ovate, acuminate, up to about 4 cm. long, inner bracts fertile, ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, shorter than the outer bracts; flowers covered with a glutinous material. Dorsal sepal 8-12 mm. long and 2.5-4 mm. broad, oblong-lanceolate, acute, slightly cucullate. Lateral sepals 8-12 mm. long and 3-4 mm. broad, elliptic-oblong, acute, somewhat oblique. Petals 11-12 mm. long and 1-2 mm. broad, linear, obtuse or acute. Lip 8-13 mm. long and 8-11 mm. broad, oval to sub-orbicular-flabellate, anterior margins more or less lacerate-dentate, base gibbous and with two approximate, subglobose calluses; disc thickened in the middle.