Corolla 1.3–1.6 cm long, yellow with orange lobes; buds slightly 4-angular, swollen just above base, slightly dilated over vents and nearly isodiametric to obtuse apex; tube 4–6 mm long, with V-slit extending halfway, glabrous inside except for minute papillae along sutures; lobes reflexed about the middle, linear, only slightly tapered towards middle.
Flowers 3–10 per umbel; peduncle 0.5–1 mm long; pedicels 2–3 mm long, puberulous; bract 1.5–2 mm long, ovate-triangular from a shallow cup, puberulous; bract 1.5–2 mm long, ovate-triangular from a shallow cup, puberulous.
Small shrub with mostly rather short (5–25 cm) spreading flowering branchlets; twigs slightly compressed, scurfy puberulous with short brownish mostly spreading hairs.
Stamen filaments tightly coiled, extended as a slight tapering ridge 1–1.5 mm down corolla tube; tooth 0.3 mm long; anthers 3–5 mm long.
Berry grey, 6–9 × 4–6 mm, obovoid-ellipsoid.
Calyx 0.5 mm long, ciliolate.
Receptacle 1–2 mm long.