Corolla yellow, tube sometimes greenish, 2–2.2 cm long; buds with globular basal swelling 2 × 3 mm, tapered upwards from vents; tube 3–4 mm long with V-slit extending to calyx, smooth inside; lobes erect, ultimately tending to become reflexed, slightly tapered.
Stamen filaments extended down tube as a ridge, becoming low around basal swelling, free parts orange, 7–8 mm long, tightly coiled; tooth 0.7 mm long; anthers 6–7 mm long.
Flowers 4–9 per umbel; peduncle 1–4 mm long; pedicels 3–4 mm long, glabrous; bract 2–3 mm long, ovate-triangular from a shallow cup, ciliolate.
Stems to 0.7 m long, mostly pendulous; twigs slightly compressed, glabrous to hispidulous.
Berry pinkish-red, 7 × 4 mm, obovoid, slightly pruinose.
Receptacle 2–2.5 mm long, glaucous.
Calyx 1 mm long, ciliolate.