Caespitose epiphytic herbs up to about 2 dm. tall. Stems ancipitous, covered with amplexicaul leaf-sheaths, provided with! 2-3 leaves toward the apex. Leaves 8-11 cm. long and 1-1.3 cm. broad, elliptic to lanceolate, acuminate. Inflores-cence a compact few-flowered distichous raceme terminating a slender ancipitous peduncle. Sepals about 1.2 cm. long, ligulate, apiculate, the laterals oblique. Petals about as long as the sepals, linear. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina about 5 mm. long and 4 mm. broad, ovate, shortly acuminate, subcordate at the base, provided with 2 calluses at the base which have a short keel between them. (Description compiled from the original).