Caespitose epiphytic or saxicolous plants up to about 1.5 dm. tall, often rank in growth. Stems simple, erect or spreading, covered with the amplexicaul leaf-sheaths or naked with age. Leaves 4-25 cm. long and 0.5-7 cm. broad, variable but essentially linear-lanceolate to oval, acute or acuminate, rarely obtuse, coria-ceous. Inflorescence from shorter than the subtending leaves to much longer, from a simple few-flowered raceme to a compound multiflorous panicle, terminal, usually subtended with a spathe which may be up to 6 cm. long; bracts on the peduncle from very short to about 7 cm. long; flowers variable in size and color. Dorsal sepal 7-16 mm. long and-2-3.5 mm. broad, elliptic to broadly oblanceolate, acute or obtuse. Lateral sepals 8-16 mm. long and 2.5-4.5 mm. broad, elliptic to broadly lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Petals 8-15 mm. long and 0.2-2 mm. broad, usually filiform or filiform-clavellate but occasionally linear-oblanceolate. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 4-10 mm. long and 5-12 mm. broad, from nearly simple to 3-or 4-lobed (commonly 3-lobed); lateral lobes from dolabriform to obliquely triangular-ovate or ovate, outer margin entire to sublacerate; mid-lobe usually strongly bilobulate, but often from truncate to retuse, often apiculate, lobules variable in form and divergence, linear to oblong to triangular or spatulate, margin entire or somewhat lacerate; disc with 2 short sublamellate calluses at the base, often provided with one or more callus ridges parallel to the mid-nerve.