Caespitose epiphytic herbs,, often rank-growing, up to about l.5 m. tall. Stems erect or ascending, simple, leafy above. Leaves 5-25 cm. long and 0.8-5 cm. broad, from linear to oval or ovate, acute or acuminate, variable. Inflorescence terminal or lateral (i. e. flowers or racemes borne from below a leaf) or both, usually consisting of racemes borne laterally on an elongated peduncle, rarely the racemes branching and becoming paniculate, rarely consisting of a single short terminal raceme; flowers extremely variable in size and coloration. Dorsal sepal 6.5-13 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, papillose externally. Lateral sepals 6.5-16 mm. long and 2.5-5 mm. broad, oblanceolate, obtuse, ob--lique, papillose externally. Petals 5-12 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. broad, fili-form or subfiliform. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina 4-7 mm. long and 4-7 mm. broad, usually broader than long, 3-lobed or rarely almost entire; the lateral lobes oblong to flabellate, entire or usually undulate, dentate or lacerate; mid-lobe from subquadrate to oblong, retuse or bilobulate, the lobules sometimes explanate; disc provided with 2 mammillate calluses near the apex of the column and with one or more callus-thickened ridges along the median line. Ovary and pedicel usually papillose.