Erect epiphytic herbs 18-25 cm. tall. Pseudobulbs when young 5-10 cm. long and 0.5-0.6 cm. in diameter, cylindric. Leaves 6-8 cm. long and 0.8-1 cm. broad, ligulaite, acute, coriaceous. Inflorescence a lax raceme of 6-10 flowers, about 13 cm. long; peduncle 2-4 cm. long. Sepals about 1.8 cm. long and 0.3 cm. broad, narrowly oblong-ligulate, acuminate, the laterals oblique. Petals about as long as the sepals, linear, narrow and oblique, acuminate. Lip unguiculate; claw adnate to the column; lamina about 9 mm. long and 11 mm. broad, ob-scurely 3-lobed, subreniform-cordate, apiculate, apex triangular, apical part sub-crenate and: undulate; disc provided with 2 short, obtuse, parallel, lamellate calluses at the base and 3 approximate linear calluses extending up to about the middle.