Erect, 1 1/2-2 ft. high; branches flexuous or nearly straight, pubescent with pallid spreading hairs; leaves 3-nate, spreading, not crowded, linear, subacute, rounded at the back and channelled, shining, glabrous or pilose with spreading hairs, 2 1/2-3 lin. long; flowers umbellate or 3-nate; pedicels puberulous, about 1 lin. long; bracts remote or subremote, small; sepals lanceolate, acute, varying to linear-subulate from a broader base, 3/4-1 lin. long; corolla obconic, with a wide mouth, minutely puberulous or pubescent, white or pale ochraceous, 2 lin. long; segments erect, rounded, 1/2 the length of the tube; anthers included, cuneate-oblong, pale brown, 1/2 lin. long, aristate; awns about 2/3 the length of the cell, rough; style included; stigma capitate; ovary glabrous.
Like E. distorta , erect shrublet to 50 cm. Flowers small, urn-shaped, white, hairy.