Erect shrub up to 60 cm (2 ft) or so. Branches ascending, channelled by the prominent decurrent leaf-cushions, the younger pubescent, glabrescent. Leaves 3-nate, 1.2-2.2 cm long, erect and imbricate or somewhat spreading-incurved, linear-subulate, acute, mucronate, sulcate, thinly pilose and softly ciliate, becoming glabrous and naked. Flowers 1-to 3-nate, cernuous; peduncles 8-10 mm long, cano-pubescent, reddish; bracts median, 1 mm long, ovate, pubescent, subscarious. Sepals 6-10 mm long, ovate, acutely keel-tipped, thick and rigid, concave, finely and closely tomentose, dull red. Corolla 8-12 mm long, from subcyathiform to ovoid, 4-partite very nearly to the base, dull pink or creamy-white; lobes lanceolate, oblong lanceolate, obtusely acute, suberect, at length connivent, pubescent. Filaments strongly bent at the base, much bent and dilated at the apex; anthers included, 4 mm long, lateral, oblong, narrow at the base and thus appearing to be subterminal, bipartite and subdistant, appendiculate; pore about 1/2 the length of the cell; crests 2/3-3/4 the length of the cell, partially adnate to the filament above, then free and spreading, oblong, lacerate, subtruncate. Ovary subturbinate, glabrous; style included or manifest; stigma capitellate.
Erect shrublet to 90 cm. Flowers large, calycine, cup-shaped with long, erect lobes, very finely hairy, cream-coloured.