Diffuse, dwarf; branches intricate, rather rigid, and, together with the leaves, pedicels, bracts and sepals glandular-pilose; leaves 3-nate, recurved-squarrose, usually shorter than the internodes, oblong to ovate, acute, subopen-backed with broad thick margins, rigid, rather thick, gland-ciliate, glabrous on the upper, velvety on the lower surface, 1/2-3/4 lin. long; flowers terminal, 3-nate; pedicels slender, about 1 lin. long; bracts closely approximate, elliptical, thick; sepals ovate, foliaceous, less than 1/2 lin. long; corolla subcampanulate-cyathiform or broad sub-urceolate, mouth scarcely widened, glabrous, viscidulous, about 1 lin. long; segments very short, almost truncate; filaments slender, equal; anthers exserted, dorsifixed half-way between the base and the middle, very shortly ciliolate on the front margin, 2/5 lin. long, aristate; pore about 1/3 the length of the cell; awns very short scarcely reaching to the base of the cell, style long-exserted, slender; stigma capitellate; ovary glabrous.
Erect shrublet to 30 cm. Flowers small, cup-shaped, pink, with exserted anthers.