Erect shrub up to 45 cm (1 1/2 ft) or so. Branches ascending, straight or subflexuous, densely leafy, pallid, pubescent or glabrescent. Leaves 3-, 4-or 6-nate or scattered, 4-5 mm long, generally erect, imbricate and strongly incurved, occasionally straight, sometimes spreading, linear, subobtuse, glabrous or pubescent to hirsute, ciliate or, in one form, naked. Floorers in subglobose, densely many-flowered, cernuous heads 8-14 mm in diameter, coralline; peduncles 1-2 mm long; bracts approximate, the lower spathulate, lanceolate or linear, larger than the others and longer than the sepals, sepaloid. Sepals 3 mm long or more, as long as the corolla-tube or more, narrow-linear, linear-subulate or subspathulate, more or less hispid, ciliate, in one form glabrous and naked, sometimes viscidulous. Corolla about 4 mm long, urceolate-cyathiform or tubular-urceolate, glabrous, white soon turning brown; lobes about 1/2 the length of the tube, suberect, broadly rounded. Anthers more or less manifest, 1-1.8 mm long, spathulate-linear or oblong, obtuse, smooth, pale brown, muticous or decurrent-denticulate and, in one form, decurrent-aristate with minute, free, spreading points; pore 2/3 the length of the cell. Ovary ovoid, glabrous; style well exserted; stigma simple.
Erect shrublet to 50 cm. Flowers in tight heads, small, narrowly urn-shaped, white, with dark, exserted anthers.