Prostrate or semiprostrate shrublet up to 15 cm (6 in) high. Branches few, flat on rocks, gnarled, covered with numerous grey leaf-scars when old, otherwise leafy, occasionally pubescent when young. Leaves 4-nate, up to 13 mm long, recurved, spreading, minutely mucronate, densely ciliate-edged or glabrous, rounded, hard in texture. Flowers 1-to 6-nate, terminal, clustered at ends of branches, sometimes in dense heads; peduncles up to 15 mm long, densely ciliate, white or reddish; bracts 4-7 mm long, remote, like the sepals but smaller. Sepals 5-7 mm long, 3-4 mm broad, ovate, glabrous, ciliate-edged with a few sessile glands intermixed, distinctly L-shaped, strongly keeled, hollowed inside, with edges rolled back at the base, white. Corolla 9-11 mm long, 5-8 mm broad, globose-urceolate, contracted below the throat, glabrous, wax-like, white; lobes erect or slightly spreading, obtuse. Anthers included, 2-5 mm long, lateral, deeply lobed, roughly scabrid, appendiculate; pore 1/2-2/3 the length of the cell; awns elongate-cuneate, straight or slightly incurved, scabrid-edged. Ovary globose, glabrous; style manifest, becoming exserted on ageing; stigma 4-fid, appearing capitate when young.
Erect to prostrate shrublet to 15 cm. Flowers large, urn-shaped, wax-like, white.