Erect or possibly decumbent; branches stout, dark-coloured, naked and glabrescent towards the base, the ultimate flowering branchlets 1-3 in. long, densely leafy; leaves erect, incurved, closely imbricate, narrow-oblong, obtuse, pilose except on the upper surface and ciliate with long curled white hairs, the floral leaves very slightly enlarged, 1 1/2 lin. long; heads 4-flowered, about 2 1/2 lin. in diam.; flowers subsessile; bracts approximate, leaf-like, tomentose and ciliate, 1 1/2-2 lin. long; sepals narrow-linear, slightly wider at the apex, glabrous on the lower, tomentose on the upper half, 1 1/2 lin. long; corolla ovoid-cyathiform, minutely puberulous, 1 lin. long; segments rounded, erect, more than 1/2 the length of the tube; filaments rather wide, 1 1/2 times longer than the anther; anthers well-exserted, lateral, linear, acute, widened towards the base; cells deeply parted and at length spreading and horn-like, smooth, light brown, 3/5 lin. long, aristulate; pore 1/5 the length of the cell; awns very small, not reaching below the base of the cell and about 1/6-1/5 of its length; style exserted, longer than the stamens; stigma subsimple; ovary cylindrical, minutely pilose.
Prostrate, spreading, grey shrublet to 20 cm. Flowers in pendulous heads, small, hidden, cup-shaped, white, hairy, with exserted anthers.