Erect, a foot high, glabrous; branches diffuse, ascending; leaves erect, adpressed and closely imbricate, or slightly spreading, linear to oblong, obtuse, the younger viscid, thick, shining, 1-1 1/2 lin. long; pedicels 1/2 lin. long; bracts approximate, ovate, coloured, very small; sepals ovate or obovate, viscid, coloured, shorter than the corolla, 1/2-3/4 lin. long; corolla oblate-globose, depressed above the middle, viscid, red, 1 1/2 lin. long, width somewhat greater; segments erect, closely contracted round the stamens; anthers sublateral, oblong, obtuse, a little over 1/2 lin. long; pore large and wide, about 7/8 the length of the cell; ovary glabrous.
Sparse, erect shrublet to 30 cm. Flowers small, calycine, very broadly urn-shaped, sticky, pink, with exserted anthers.