Erect, a foot or more high; branches virgate, subflexuous, thinly villous; leaves 3-nate, adpressed or slightly spreading, narrow-ovate, obtuse, somewhat concave on the upper surface, glabrous, 1 1/4-1 1/2 lin. long; flowers usually 3-nate, more rarely in 5-6-flowered umbels, erect or suberect; pedicels slender, glabrous, about 3 lin. long; bracts leaf-like, narrow-lanceolate, acute, the two upper approximate, adpressed, the lowest at or near the base, larger and more spreading; sepals narrow-lanceolate, acute, glabrous, margins naked, 1 1/2 lin. long; corolla inflated-urceolate, not tapering but suddenly contracted at the neck, or narrow-ovoid, 3-4 1/2 lin. long; limb spreading, small; segments rounded; anthers oblong, somewhat incurved, slightly prognathous, a little over 1/2 lin. long; pore about 1/3 of the cell; cristate at the base; crests lanceolate, acuminate, dentate on the outer margin, about 1/2 the length of the cell; ovary upon a stipe of about its own length, or in some specimens longer, and about 1/3 of its own diameter.
Erect shrublet to 40 cm. Flowers medium, tubular urn-shaped, pink.