Erect, probably under 1 ft. high; branches ascending, leafy, pubescent, covered with the scars of small but prominent leaf-cushions; leaves 6-farious, closely crowded, imbricate, obovate or subelliptical, very obtuse, thick, somewhat concave above, rounded below, minutely puberulous, sulcate, gland-ciliolate, very shortly petiolate, 3/4-1 lin. long; flowers subcalycine; pedicels stout, tomentose, under 1 lin. long; bracts approximate or subapproximate, ovate, leathery, rigid, keeled, with green or coloured leaf-like sulcate thickened tips, shorter than the sepals; sepals like the bracts but sometimes obovate, larger, ciliolate, nearly 1 1/2 lin. long; corolla obconic-cyathiform, white (Andrews), about 2 lin. long; segments spreading, oblong, rounded, a little longer than the tube; anthers included, manifest, sublateral; cells bipartite, oblong, tapering a little towards the subobtuse apex, papillose, thick, rigid, blackish, about 2/5 lin. long, with a thick dorsal band produced downwards into two thick subulate awns decurrent along the filament for 1/2-2/3 their length, the acuminate apices free and spreading (or entirely free according to Andrews' figure, and some imperfect specimens seen), the whole projecting below the cells for a distance shorter than the length of the latter; pore about 1/2 the length of the cell; style exserted; stigma clavate-capitate, truncate; ovary glabrous.
Erect, woody shrublet to 30 cm. Flowers small, calycine, obconic, white.