Erect shrublet to shrub, 0.6-1.0 m high. Leaves (3)4-nate, erect-spreading, 4.2-6.3 x ± 2 mm, lanceolate to oblong, acute, open-backed, margins revolute, pilose above, canescent beneath. Flowers subcapitate, calycine; heads laxly 4-6-flowered, subsessile; bracts approximate, oblanceolate, densely villous, equalling or exceeding sepals and corolla. Calyx sepals spathulate, acute, margins revolute, densely villous in upper part, whitish, nearly equal to corolla, 4.2 mm long. Corolla cyathiform-campanulate or globose-urceolate, hispidulous or puberulous, white, ± 4.2 mm long; lobes rounded, spreading, 1/3-3/8 length of tube. Filaments nearly straight or strongly bent below anther; anthers exserted; theca bipartite to base, narrowly elliptic, acute, scaberulous, dark brown, ± 1.8 mm long. Ovary pubescent or pilose; style exserted; stigma subsimple, small. Flowering time all year.
Erect shrublet to 1 m. Flowers small, cup-shaped, woolly, white, with exserted anthers.