Erect shrublet to about 45 cm. Stem and branches pubescent and with prominent leaf scars. Leaves 1.5 mm long, 3-nate, linear-subulate, spreading and at length squarrose, slightly incurved at maturity, sulcate, glabrous, setose-ciliate at first, becoming naked, mucronate. Flowers 3-nate, terminal, sub-calycine; peduncles about 1 mm long, pubescent; bracts remote, leaf-like but coloured and one often longer. Sepals 2.0 mm long, reaching to the top of the corolla tube, ovate-lanceolate, keeled and sulcate-keel-tipped, glabrous, shortly setose-ciliate, scarious, becoming reddish at the apex. Corolla about 3 mm long, narrow-cyathiform, dry, glabrous, deepish rose pink; lobes 1.0 mm long, erect, narrow-ovate. Filaments slender, tapering upwards; anthers manifest, 0.7 mm long narrowly oblong-cuneate, sub-terminal, muticous. Ovary turbinate, hispid; style long-exerted; stigma peltate-cyathiform.
Erect shrublet to 50 cm. Flowers small, calycine, ovoid, pink.