Subarboreous, 3-8 ft. high; branches subvirgate, pubescent, with many floriferous branchlets, forming towards the top of the branches a somewhat thyrsoid inflorescence; leaves erect, mostly incurved, linear, acute, round-backed, sulcate, glabrous, 2-3 1/2 lin. long; flowers subcorolline; pedicels decurved, slender, white-pubescent, 1-1 1/2 lin. long; bracts approximate, imbricating the sepals, or rarely the lowest remote, lanceolate, acute, keeled, ciliate, scarious, glabrous, whitish or pale rose, 1/2 lin. long; sepals like the bracts but ovate, very concave, about 1 1/4 lin. long, reaching to about 1/2 the height of the corolla; corolla nearly broad-obconic, or very slightly funnel-shaped, rosy, 1 3/4-2 lin. long; segments continuous with the widening tube, ovate or oblong, about 1/2 the length of the tube; filaments lanceolate at the base tapering upwards; anthers included or sometimes subexserted, longitudinally semiovate, the dorsal margin curved, the inner nearly straight, acute, the cell extending beyond the pore for about 1/2 the length of the latter, rough but not very hairy, about 3/4 lin. long, muticous; pore narrow, about 1/2 the length of the cell; style slender, well-exserted: stigma capitellate, small; ovary small, minutely puberulous.
Erect shrub to 1.5(-2.0) m. Flowers small, calycine, open cup-shaped, lilac.