Erect shrub up to about 45 cm (1 1/2 ft). Branches ascending, slender, glabrous or puberulous. Leaves 3-nate, 2-4 mm long, mostly erect and distant, sometimes far-distant, linear to narrow-elliptical, sulcate, glabrous. Flowers in small, 4-to 6-flowered umbels at the ends of the branchlets of variable length; peduncles 2-5 mm long, glabrous; bracts small, variable in size and placement. Sepals1.5 mm long, foliaceous, deeply sulcate, about 1/2 the length of the corolla, glabrous. Corolla about 2 mm long, broad-cyathiform, dry, glabrous, white. Filaments short, much bent below the anthers; anthers included, 0-5 mm long, lateral, broad-ovate, smooth, appendiculate; pore small; awns nearly 2/3 the length of the cell, subulate, coarsely serrulate. Ovary turbinate, glabrous; style included; stigma capitellate or subsimple.
Erect, semisprawling shrublet to 25 cm. Flowers small, cup-shaped, white.