Diffuse shrublet about 15 cm (6 in) high and sometimes hanging in rocky clefts in damp, sheltered places. Branches from a short, stout stem, filiform, spreading, flexuous, puberulous, reddish, the older with small, prominent leaf-scars. leaves 3-nate, 4-6 mm long, spreading or squarrose, oblong, somewhat widened upwards or lanceolate, acute, the older open-backed with reflexed margin, the younger smaller, thicker and only sulcate, gland-ciliate. Flowers 3-nate, terminal, sometimes lateral, sub-corolline; peduncles 5 mm long, slender, viscid; bracts small, 2 median, the third subbasal. Sepals 2 mm long, ovate, subcordate, acute, glabrous, viscid, nerved, scarious, about equal to the corolla-tube. Corolla 3 mm long, 4 mm broad, oblate-urceolate or suburceolate-cyathiform, mouth somewhat contracted, glabrous, viscid, pale rose below, darker tinted above; lobes about 1/2 as long as the tube, erect deltoid, subacute. Filaments tapering upwards, bent below the anthers; anthers included, about 1/2 mm long, lateral, short-cuneate, appendiculate; awns as long as the cell, subulate, rough-edged. Ovary turbinate, hispidulous, very pallid; style included; stigma simple or capitellate.
Erect, diffuse shrublet to 15 cm. Flowers small, urn-shaped, white with red tips.