Erect, sturdy bush up to 70 cm (1 1/4 ft). Branches erect, the younger puberulous. Leaves 3-nate, 4-8 mm long, erect-spreading, imbricate, linear-trigonous, keeled, glabrous. Flowers terminal, 3-to 4-nate; peduncles 4-8 mm long, puberulous; bracts small, median, white. Sepals 2-5 mm long, ovate, thick, glabrous, viscid, whitish with green keel-tips. Corolla 7-8 mm long, more or less ovoid, constricted at the throat, glabrous, very viscid, white; lobes the length of the tube, erect, at length connivent, obtuse. Anthers included, about 1 mm long, lateral, oblong, glabrous, appendiculate; crests semi-orbicular and crenulate at the base with a long terminal, linear, spreading lobe, about 1/2 the length of the cell. Ovary turbinate, glabrous; style included or manifest; stigma capitellate.
Erect shrublet to 70 cm. Flowers medium, ovoid-urn-shaped, sticky, white.