Upright shrub up to 6ocm (2 ft) or so with virgate, glabrous branches. Leaves 6-nate, 2 mm long or more, linear-oblong, upright, sulcate, hispidulous, ciliate. Flowers axillary in spikes up to 9 mm long; peduncles 0.5 mm long; bracts approximate, sepal-like. Sepals 3 mm long, narrow-lanceolate, pilose, ciliate. Corolla about 4 mm long, more or less campanulate or with an obconic tube suddenly dilated below the lobes into a wider bowl, glabrous, white; lobes more or less spreading, broad, rounded, nearly equal to the corolla tube. Anthers included, 0.8 mm long, lateral, elliptical with a large cushion-like, hispid base, appendiculate; pore about equal to the cell without the base; crests large, semi-orbicular, lacerate, about as long as the cells. Ovary turbinate, glabrous; style included; stigma capitate.
Erect shrublet to 60 cm. Flowers small, in dense spikes, pale pink to whitish.