Suberect, straggling, slender, with scanty foliage, 4-8 in. high; branches ascending, glabrescent; leaves 3-nate, spreading-erect, linear, acuminate, setose-mucronate, mostly curved, sulcate, glabrous, shining, 2 1/2-5 lin. long; flowers 3-nate; pedicels viscid, puberulous, mostly curved, about 2 lin. long; bracts subapproximate or remote, small; sepals ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, viscid-pubescent, dark-coloured, 1/2-2/3 lin. long; corolla broad-cyathiform, mouth wide, pubescent, sub-viscidulous, about 2 lin. long, 2 lin. broad, dark purple; limb short, rounded; segments ciliolate, about 1/3 the length of the tube; anthers included, oblong, about 1/2 lin. long, aristate awns subulate from 1/2-2/3 the length of the cell; style exserted; ovary glabous.
Erect, resprouting shrublet to 30 cm. Flowers small, campanulate, dark purplish red, hairy.