Dwarf shrub or spreading shrublet, sometimes procumbent against rocks, 0.3-0.6 m high. Branches many, rigid, softly hairy, leafy above, covered with scars below. Leaves 3-nate; spreading, overlapping imbricate; blade oblong or narrowly elliptic, 3-4 mm long, petiole ± 1/2 this length, thick, keeled, glabrous, shiny. Flowers: 3-nate; terminal; pedicels puberulous, lengthening during or after flowering, up to 3 mm long; bracts 3, remote or subapproximate, erect, linear, scarious, 2 mm or less; anthers included, lateral, longitudinally semi-ovate, smooth, membranous, pale brown, ± 1 mm long, crested-aristate, awns broadly subulate, acute, long-ciliate, filaments capillary, over 2 mm long; style included; stigma subsimple; ovary glabrous; calyx erect, adpressed, narrowly ovate, acute, concave, scarious, keeled, not imbricate at base, glabrous, ciliolate as leaves, 2.5-3.0 mm long, ± 2/3 of corolla; corolla tube-, urn-, bell-or cup-shaped, half-covered by calyx lobes, lobes broader than long, ± 4 mm long, white to pink; Dec.-Jul.
Erect, dwarf shrub, 0.2-0.6 m high. Leaves 3-nate, spreading, imbricate, 3-4 mm long, blade oblong or narrowly elliptic. Flowers 3-nate; terminal and axillary. Calyx sepals erect, appressed, 2.6-3.2 mm long, narrowly ovate, acute, concave, scarious, keeled, glabrous. Corolla ± 4 mm long, tubular, urceolate, campanulate or cyathiform, dry, glabrous, white or pink; lobes 1/5-1/4 length of tube, wider than long, obtuse. Filaments > 2 mm long, capillary or flat; anthers included, lateral, 1.00-1.25 mm long, semi-ovate to oblong-cuneate, smooth, membranous, pale brown, crested-aristate; pore ± 1/2 length of theca; appendages broadly subulate, acute, long-ciliate. Ovary subovoid, glabrous; style included; stigma subsimple. Flowering time Mar.-July.