Erect shrub, up to 0.6 m high. Leaves erect to squarrose, 2.1-5.3 mm long, linear, subulate or lanceolate-oblong, subtrigonous, younger ciliolate; pedicels ± 3.2 mm long; bracts subremote, sepal-like but smaller. Calyx sepals lax and spreading, 3.2 mm long, narrow-ovate, acute or acuminate, keel-tipped, subviscid, glabrous, white. Flowers calycine. Corolla 3.1-3.7 mm long, urceolate or globose-urceolate, longer or sometimes shorter than its width, glabrous viscid or viscid-puberulous, somewhat exceeding sepals, occasionally shorter, white; lobes spreading. Filaments dilated just below anther, slightly curved; anther subterminal, 1.4-1.6 mm long, longitudinally semi-ovate, dorsal margin curved, acute, ciliolate, ± hispidulous; pore 3/5 length of theca. Ovary on a conspicuous black disk, glabrous or hispidulous; style generally deflexed or hooked. Flowering time all year.
Erect shrublet to 60 cm. Flowers small, calycine, urn-shaped, white, with exserted anthers.