A sturdy, erect shrub to about 2 m high. Branches ascending with numerous small branchlets, some abortive, tomentose, with hairs of unequal length, some of which are branched, becoming glabrous after the cortex has split and fallen off. Leaves 3-nate, about 1 mm long, erect-spreading and closely imbricate at first becoming squarrose, oblong or elliptic, obtuse, sulcate, crenate, thick and shining, glabrous, setose-ciliate with some hairs branched. Flowers mostly 3-nate but occasionally 4-nate, terminal but sometimes appearing axillary from the abortion of the branchlets, cernuous, coralline; flowers rather bunched towards the end of the branches; peduncles 3, 5 mm long, indumentum as in branches, curved; bracts, 2 approximate, 1 remote like the sepals but smaller. Sepals 2, 5 mm long, pressed to the swollen corolla tube, ovate, concave, keel-tipped, scarious, glabrous, shortly and densely setose-ciliate. Corolla 3-3.5 mm long, depressed-globose-urceolate, narrowed at the throat, 4-cleft giving a tetragonous appearance, dry, glabrous, rose-coloured but white under the sepals; lobes less than 1 mm long, slightly recurved, obtuse. Filaments, linear, narrowing above and flexuous; anthers manifest to exserted, less than 1 mm long, oblong, obtuse, bipartite, scabridulous, narrowed below and joined together by a minute bridge of anther connective, to which the filament is attached, appendiculate; awns subulate, profusely dentate, free, more or less as long as the cells. Ovary turbinate, densely hispid; style exserted; stigma simple.
Erect shrub to 2 m. Leaves glaucous. Flowers small, calycine, globosely urn-shaped, rose.