Erect, dwarf shrub, up to 0.3 m high. Branchlets slender, subflexuose, erect, puberulous, greyish. Leaves 3-nate, appressed or imbricate, 1.6-3.2 mm long, linear, subtrigonous, subacute, glabrous. Flowers axillary and terminal, in small clusters, calycine; pedicel 0.3 mm long. Calyx sepals 3, one 1.1-1.6 mm long, linear or spathulate and leaf-like, from a thin dilated base, others 0.5 mm long, linear, obtuse, glabrous, minutely ciliate. Corolla ± 2 mm long, obconical-ovoid, with 4 short, rounded, somewhat incurved teeth, glabrous, rose to pink. Anthers exserted, oblong, with parallel sides and a short, broad, apical notch; appendages absent. Ovary compressed, wider than long, somewhat transversely rhomboid, glabrous; style exserted, glabrous; stigma peltate, quadrate. Flowering time Nov., Dec.
Like E. newdigateae but to 30 cm, flowers medium, calycine, obconically bell-shaped, rose.