Perennial shrublets, 0.3-0.4 m high. Leaves below erect-patent, dense toward apex of branchlets where erect, imbricate, 3-nate, 3-4 mm long, subulate, subobtuse, dorsally sulcate, glabrous, thick. Flowers terminal, 3-nate; pedicels viscid, puberulous, 2 mm long; bracts 3, closely approximate, linear-lanceolate, scarious, viscid, 1.8 mm long. Calyx sepals like bracts but slightly longer and wider. Corolla 0.8-2.5 mm long, campanulate-cyathiform, viscid, thick-textured; lobes rounded. Anthers manifest, dorsally attached, ovate, obtuse, with appendages at its base; appendages oblique, pendulous, long ciliated; theca 1 mm long; pore 3/4 length of theca. Ovary depressed-globose, glabrous, pale-coloured; style exserted; stigma capitellate. Flowering time Sept.-Dec.
Like E. andreaei but to 1.2 m, flowers urn-to bell-shaped, slightly sticky, whitish.